Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pasta, Peas, & Carrots

1 bag/box flavored pasta, prepared according to directions
1 cup frozen peas & carrots

Okay, so this is totally NOT a recipe, but Ryan loves this and it sneaks his vegetables into his lunch and dinner ... oh, and it's easy! Every other day, I make up a box of this stuff and it lasts for 4-5 feedings. Make sure that when you make it for your little one that you utilize the opportunity to prepare it with whole milk AND real butter. These little boogers need the calories!

Also, I found these perfect little bowls at Wal-Mart. They're the Nuby brand and they come with lids and they're 2 for $1. Can't beat that! So I bought about 80 (just kidding) and I keep all his food in them and that way we know when we're out ... and Gary knows EXACTLY what to feed him when I'm gone. Quit rolling your eyes at me ... can you tell I'm a first time mom? lol

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